Editor: This tool compares and ranks power words for optimizing key words in metetags, banners, content and branding statements. Key word research tool for enhancing visitors and conversion Factor online and short term and branding messaging offline. It has functionality of three types of character/word/phrase analysis with a word power ranking system and graphing. This tool helps in the IMC messaging process with increasing visitors/response rate and building conversion factor/closing ratio.
This tool points to power words in a ranking system. It is not a fog index or grammar checking tool but analyzes copy from a "need" ViewPoint. Filtering out competitors words and useless words and phrases. So ultimate optimization of metatags and ad copy could occur. Plus graphing power words or phrases after in-depth analysis helps in the presentation to the team. This tool will help you and your team focus on emotional lexicons, call to actions, key words, tag lines that will Elicit a favorable response for advancing the lead for the close.